
     It is less a matter of  what  you have to deal with        but  how  you deal with it.   


The world pandemic is a very mixed bag of curses and blessings globally.
I look with great sadness at all the suffering. But within the destruction there is also the seed for renewal.                                                                  So in the midst of the challenges it is important to focus our intent on turning things for the better wherever we can.
There is so much we each can discover in our personal life that we could  question and improve.... small things, big things, personal health, relationships health, life style quality, raising our values, fulfilling more potentials.......................
          If I change myself, even just a little, I change the world.           If I go with kindness and compassion, I can not go wrong.


How can we meet challenges?

To protect our human vulnerabilities we can:
1 - Try to evade and avoid challenges by hiding from living resulting in
     loss of opportunities, losing Life. Emptiness.
2 - Erect strong defences, become hard, desensitized. Programming body,      
     mind and emotion with defensive skills. Become brittle and remain unsafe  
3 - Build up inner strength to gain skills and the ability to deal with what life
     presents. A spiritual path.


How to optimise your living:

Validate, praise, celebrate and enjoy what is good and strong and build on it.
With good faith and hope develop all that can be grown.
         With courage, patience, determination and with help improve            and fix and balance what does not work.
That makes life successful.

Sometimes we fail….each one of us does sometimes fail….and fail again. Make peace by sincerely owning and regretting errors and make amends.
Be gracious and forgiving to bring healing.
                                Grieve and let go with dignity and,                                     even in your pain, embrace the new with love and trust.

         Do all of this with as much kindness and compassion as you can             for yourself and for others.
That is what brings the worth to living.


                                   What is your concept of sin?

Nowadays in our secular society we don’t talk or think so much about sin.
We usually feel it is an antiquated religious and mostly irrelevant thing in a modern life.
Nevertheless, rules and laws format the way we live. This is intended for the good of the individual and of society.

To start with we have distinct Cultural codes of conduct, which differ from group to group, cultures and nations.

We are required to live by the rule of Law, which is supposed to enforce fairness and morality on the individual and the masses above and beyond the societal codes.

Likewise Religions have their rulebooks to direct their members in proscribed ways of conduct and in some societies they can be seen to overrule secular law.

Politics mixes the above and also brings in rules for commerce to manage us  nationally and globally.

Together, Culture, Law, Religion and Politics are meant to make for a better society, both for the collective and the individual. Our choices are directed and limited by our societies and religions. We are made to conform through the manipulative principle of reward and punishment, which we experience from the cradle to the grave.

Those laws and rules of conduct also form psychological internalised programmes dictating what to do and what not do. This can be called your conscience.
A rule can come into direct conflict with what our individual body, mind and emotions tell us. Although a rule can be beneficial, it can also be wrong and damaging. Throughout life we enjoy the benefits of the rules, struggle with the rules, suffer from the rules, submit or rebel against them.

The rules by which we live are:

Rules of Culture and Law which are men made.

Religious rules which are considered God given and interpreted by men.        

    Now let’s consider an additional way to inform and guide our conduct:

                                         Higher Self guided.                                                                                       This is individual, direct, spiritual based.                                                Higher Self has only one base rule which says that:

 Sin is the harming knowingly or intentionally of of self or another,      human, animal, plant our world or any manifestation of the Divine Origin.  

                                                                                                                     The Higher Self can be thought of as our Soul, the Divine part of our Self. When we connect directly with our Higher Self we bring the best qualities, strength and wisdom into our daily living.
Usually we are not adequately educated about our Whole Self and are not sufficiently aware of what makes up our Whole Self and how it works best.
Through Transcendental Progression you can gain this understanding and learn methods to access your Higher Self to transform your living.


              Where there is a will, there is a way,                  where there is good will, there are many ways.

Unconditional Love holds all the best answers.